Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 16, 2012

Helloooooooo all…..

My name is Ha Nguyen and I’m a senior at the University of Maryland. I’m writing this blog for a school requirement. But I’m really interested about writing something here because it is honestly a chance for me to introduce most of everything related to ASIAN and a chance for you to know about them.

In this blog, I want to share about some of interesting ASIA countries where are totally different in culture, custom, food and people compared to the U.S.

I just wonder that how many of you have been travelling to Asia? Have you had chance to experience about people, culture, or food? So, this time is a REALLY GOOD CHANCE for you to “TRAVEL” to these amazing countries that are thousands miles away from the U.S without paying a buck :) 

ENJOY (•‿•)


  1. Sounds interesting! Do you like Korean food? Cuz i do! Hook me up with some hahaha

    1. I do....I usually go to Annandale VA during the weekend to eat Korean food...I'll catch you next time I go there...:)

  2. Sound great....I want to travel to Asia, especially Korea but it is so far...

  3. Can't wait to travel with you via this blog...

    1. can't wait to travel with you in reality... Sounds better =))=))=))
